Automagically turn longform content into shareable shorts & reels.


Get custom designed shorts without wasting hours editing with complex software or apps. In just one click, instantly turn audio into visually engaging, agency-grade clips, without the hefty agency price tag.

  • Drive new listeners to your podcast in today's bite-sized content landscape

  • Build hype around upcoming releases with teasers and previews
  • Repurpose your backlog into fresh, viral content

Get started and try it firsthand free today. No commitments or credit card required.

By submitting this form, you agree to our privacy policy. The content you provide will not be utilized for any additional AI training purposes.

How it works.


1. Submit your podcast details

Fill out our simple form with information about your podcast. Our team will review your content and confirm it meets our guidelines for approval.

2. Let AI do the work

Our AI will automatically create eye-catching designs, identify the best 30-60 second video segments, write titles, and generate up to 10 social media clips from your podcast content.

3. Review your clips

That’s it! Within 30 minutes you’ll receive a link to your clips for you to review. Just download your clips, share with your audience, and enjoy the results.

Growing listeners organically can be a long,
time-consuming process…

Growing listeners organically can be a long, time-consuming process…

That doesn't mean it should.

It's clear social media platforms are increasingly giving priority to short-form video content. If your podcast hasn’t leveraged the algorithm’s push to short clips on user feeds, you’re missing out on new potential listeners.

We’ve built a world-class A.I. that turns audio into highly engaging, polished videos without you having to lift a finger. Hours of tedious work can now be condensed into a seamless one-click process.

In minutes you can generate strategically optimized short-form content that…

😁 Dominates algorithms, pushing your content to user feeds and attracting a wave of new podcast listeners.

😀 Boosts engagement over traditional posts by 65% to increase audience reach on every post.

🤗 Increase returns with agency-grade videos like the top creators, without the hefty agency price tag.

😊 Saves 90% time and effort so you can spend less time editing and more time focusing on what you do best.

This is the year to take your podcast to the next level. Get started today to unlock your potential for faster organic audience growth - all done for you without lifting a finger.

What first-time users have to say.


"I experimented by putting up one of the caption clip videos on twitter, instagram, and as a Facebook reel, and got some positive feedback... I see how caption clips could keep the podcast in the minds of those who have yet to catch up, reminding them that there's some interesting stuff not yet heard."

Formosa Files

"I loved the clips... the formatting was exceptional, and my favorite bit was how you used AI generated photos as an overlay to the voice! I recently posted two of those clips you graciously gifted me, and the AI one has done significantly better in terms of views (youtube/tiktok shorts)."

Murder in the Mourning

"These new clips look great! They are long enough to capture essential points during our episodes, but not too long, so it leaves potential listeners wanting more. I am looking forward to the caption editing update."

Koffee & Cream

"Wow these are amazing! When do you want to start this and how do I pay ya?"

Beer Belly Sports

"I’m impressed, and surprised that I’d be this impressed. The last clip specifically impressed me. I’m specifically interested in the customization options to keep the consistent aesthetic."

Jigs & Bigs

"These are great and we believe it will help us amplify our content and grow our audience. What are next steps?"

Football Pesalaam

Try Caption Shorts Free Today

Try Caption Shorts Free Today

Stay ahead of the competition to grow your audience faster. Leverage the power of artificial intelligence to save time creating content & reach new listeners with each post.

Stay ahead of the competition to grow your audience faster. Leverage the power of artificial intelligence to save time creating content & reach new listeners with each post.